The XiMoL library Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
helper::abstract_copy_holderSmall struct to Grap the reference to read
assignment< assign, test_equality >Assignment struct with options
attributesA simple class to contain attributes of a tag
reader_policy::by_default< qname_type, abs_reader_type >
assignment_test_equality_policy::char_serialization< policy >Test with small char serialisation
assignment_equality_policy::char_serializationAssignment with small char serialization
assignment_private_helper::char_type_choice< T >Test the character type for the serialisation
codecvtClass codecvt
context::entity_def_typeSmall struct for Entity Definition
context::levelStruct to save information about the XML level
context::notation_decl_typeSmall struct for Notation Declartion
context::pe_def_typeSmall struct for Parameter Entity Declartion
converter< Char_dest, Char_source >
converter< char, char >
converter< char, wchar_t >
converter< wchar_t, char >
converter< wchar_t, wchar_t >
helper::copy_holder< T >Small struct to Grap the reference to read
errorAn implementation of a simple error
assignment_test_equality_policy::error_policy_throwThrow error when test are false
extract_attribute< T >Deserialize the attribute from the name
extract_attribute< std::string >Deserialize the attribute from the name
extract_attribute< std::wstring >Deserialize the attribute from the name
private_detail_about_traits::has_extractor< T, U >
private_detail_about_traits::has_inserter< T, U >
private_detail_about_traits::is< U >
private_detail_about_traits::make< T >
manip_prologManipulator for the prolog
manipulator_box< String1, String2, Att, T >Manipulator for the start tag
manipulator_cdata< T >Class for the qualified name
manipulator_char_content< T >Manipulator for the char data content
manipulator_char_data_contentManipulator for the char data content
manipulator_comment< T >Class for the qualified name
manipulator_data_content< T >Class for the qualified name
manipulator_etag< Qname >Manipulator for the start tag
manipulator_open_stag< Qname, Attributes >Manipulator for the start tag
manipulator_stag< Qname, Attributes >Manipulator for the start tag
qualified_name< Prefix, Local >Class for the qualified name
read_and_callback_type< T, callback_type >
reader< reading_policy_type >You must set all tags and launch the reader on an istream
ref_holder< T >
second_comp< MapT >
assignment_test_equality_policy::serialization< policy >Test with char (choose at compile time serialisation)
assignment_test_equality_policy::standard< policy >Standard equality (x==y)
assignment_equality_policy::standardStandard assignment (x=y)
str< T >
str< ::std::string >
str< ::std::string const >
str< ::std::wstring >
str< ::std::wstring const >
str< char const * >
str< char const []>
str< wchar_t const * >
str< wchar_t const []>
stream_and_object_traits< Stream, Object >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, bool >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, float >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, long double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, short >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, unsigned int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::istream, unsigned long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, bool >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, float >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, long double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, short >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, unsigned int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::ostream, unsigned long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, bool >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, float >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, long double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, short >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, unsigned int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wistream, unsigned long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, bool >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, float >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, long >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, long double >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, short >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, unsigned int >
stream_and_object_traits< ::std::wostream, unsigned long >
assignment_equality_policy::to_stringAssignment to a string
assignment_test_equality_policy::wchar_serialization< policy >Test with wide char serialisation
assignment_equality_policy::wchar_serializationAssignment with wide char serialization
xfstreamClass xfstream
xifstreamClass xifstream
xiostreamClass derived bfrom xistream and xostream
xistreamClass istream with context
xistringstreamClass xistringstream
xml_declaration< VersionInfo, EncodingDecl, SDDecl >Class for the qualified name
xofstreamClass xofstream
xostreamClass ostream with context
xostringstreamClass xostringstream
xstringstreamClass xstringstream

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